• Heritage across Multiple Genres

    Exciting books of fantasy, poetry, short story, and biography/memoir.

    Compelling reads on heritage theology, formation, and care.

    Subscribe and come again for upcoming releases.

    Titles available in paperback and ebook!

    All works Copyright (c) Dena Michele Rosko.

    Published by Dogwood Group.

    Graem's Ship Cover Copyright Dena Michele Rosko

    Circle of Isla tells the harrowing tale of Cahira, a warrior who wakes up in the land of the dead, with her last memory of men in pursuit.

    Cahira finds herself entangled in a quest to reunite an infant with her best friend, Eara, to make peace with her mother, Una, and to learn the grander scheme of peace and goodwill with a scrappy crew in a surreal realm.

    Adventure with Cahira and her troupe to untangle the intrigue and mystery of lost children and elders, of justice for mothers, and find a way to live anew.

    A fantasy that moves you to reconsider the tangled nests that we weave for heritage.

    Family Tree Cover Copyright Dena Michele Rosko

    Family Tree emotes a journey through peripartum and postpartum in a long poem with unflinching narrative that weaves raw metaphor to move candid and colorful imagery through birth to family as a creative nonfiction of stanzas and verse for a habitat hospitable to heritage.

    Passage through liminal thresholds in-between words and worlds gone awry of the welcomes and betrayals of heritage. Hugs, pardons, pains, partings, and laborings drip with color and wonder that births a mother with her child in a world that neglects to welcome or cherish both.

    Come feel cherished and held as we imagine our shared family tree in a new way. Embrace the art of validation and integration anew.

    Graem's Ship Cover Copyright Dena Michele Rosko

    Graem's Ship carries the "Heritage Chronicles" to its advent with short stories that Dena shared with her newborn son about his first home in the nascent days of childhood and motherhood.

    Graem's Ship tells tender and sweet children's stories of the adventure of circumnavigating wombside to earthside around pregnancy to after birth, or perinatal to peripartum, and shows how stories can endear mother and child together.

    Handcrafted with adorable illustrations, Graem's Ship inspires an imaginative and kind way to bond and communicate with children, to validate and care, and to story a heritage model that supports new mothers and babies in our midst.

    ALGFA Cover Copyright Dena Michele Rosko

    Coming Soon!

    A Looking Glass for Adeline shares a sweet account of Grandma Adeline with stories that comfort and encourage any caregiver sandwhiched between generations, and who push through anticipatory grief to love with the stories of their loved one.

    This memoir peppers in reflections and personal insights by the author of the Kingdom Come Trilogy, companion devotional and prayer books, and more.

    A Looking Glass for Adeline reminds us that we are not alone in our life transitions, and compels us to honor the stories, affections, tensions, and faith that we each bring to the table.

  • Kingdom Come Trilogy | Heritage Theology, Formation, + Care

    A heritage model for needs, love, and a future

    Book 1 Copyright Dena Michele Rosko

    The Kingdom Come trilogy arrives in time to support a vision for the gospel as a shared heritage of the family of God. This book, the first of the Trilogy, is a must-read for ministers, community leaders, seminary learners, educators, advocates, chaplains, care providers, and people of faith who desire to unite and care as a church during dynamic times. The trilogy offers a heritage model starting with Book I, or the realities of basic needs of our tender beginnings. This Revised and expanded edition reminds us of the basic resources needed to nurture a hope in a gospel future of a united neighborly heritage.

    Book 2 Copyright Dena Michele Rosko

    The Kingdom Come trilogy climaxes with Book II, which stories a heritage model at tension with systems that ostracize people from safe love. This book promotes unifying language that interprets the gospel with a heritage lens and a vision towards kingdom come with essential distinctions for headship, ostracism, and healthy organizations, congregations, and communities. This revised and expanded edition exhorts us with a united neighborly heritage as the labor of the church today: solidarity of caregiving and whole systems justice with the promise of life and love of generations together now to eternity.

    Book 3 Copyright Dena Michele Rosko

    The Kingdom Come trilogy solutions a heritage model resolving with a vision in Book III of continuing towards the kingdom of heaven. This book encourages readers to grow heritage as children of God through spirituality, community, compassion, validation, healing, and a vision of what kingdom come will be so that we do that work now. This revised and expanded edition compels us towards a gospel heritage that continues us and the bookend generations that story our lives. By forming heritage of compassionate community we can share the promise of life and love from now to eternity.

  • Kingdom Come Companions | Devotional + Prayer

    Engage and pray for a gospel heritage

    Book 4 Copyright Dena Michele Rosko

    The Kingdom Come devotional workbook arrives in time to support a vision for the gospel as a shared heritage of the family of God. This book, following the Kingdom Come trilogy, is a must-engage for ministers, community leaders, seminary learners, educators, advocates, care providers, chaplains, and people of faith who desire to unite and cherish each other as a family, city, organization, neighborhood, group, team, partnership, or church during dynamic times. The devotional follows the heritage model of the Kingdom Come trilogy to nudge us with the basic resources and safe love needed to nurture a neighborly heritage. Each chapter begins with a topic from the heritage model to put into practice the heritage theology and care of the trilogy.

    Book 5 Copyright Dena Michele Rosko

    The Kingdom Come prayer book comes in time to breathe prayers of peace and goodwill for the gospel as a shared heritage of the family of God. This book, following the Kingdom Come trilogy and devotional, is a breath of fresh air for ministers, community leaders, seminary learners, educators, advocates, care providers, chaplains, and people of faith who desire to pray together and practice an ancient walk with God for dynamic times. The prayer book, as the devotional, follows the heritage model of the Kingdom Come trilogy to encourage us of the basic resources and safe love needed to nurture a neighborly heritage. Each chapter begins with the heritage model to mirror the heritage formation of the trilogy.

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    (cc) Dena Michele Rosko 

    unless otherwise noted.

    Handwritten D (cc) Dena Michele Rosko
  • Published By

    Dogwood Group Imprint (cc) Dena Michele Rosko