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Welcome! Chat by phone to share your project and vision, and we can choose timeline and options together that best suit your needs and align with your goals. Book a free no-obligation 30 minute conversation on the calendar below.
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Event time zone:America/Los Angeles GMT-07:00Book NowCopywriting + Copyediting
Transforming copy to align with deliverable goals and strategic vision in ways that validate whole systems and audience
I write compelling copy with story that validates your audience, that delivers to your sales and marketing funnel and strategic plan, and that honors your values and speaks to culture.
I edit copy for cogent and creative story with diverse active voice that holds the attention of your audience, embraces their stories, and lets you shine!
Writing Coaching + Editing Services
Crafting multiple genres with writers across disciplines
English language learning, academic essays, creative non/fiction, journalism, editorial, expository,
children/youth literature, inspirational, intercultural, civic and community engagement
5 pages
one 30 minute writing coaching including feedback of your sample by phone + email for your project
10 pages
one 30 minute writing coaching including feedback of your sample by phone + email for your project
20 pages
four 50 minute writing coaching including feedback of your sample by phone + email for your project
40 pages
six 50 minute writing coaching including feedback of your sample by phone + email for your project
For large teams
60 pages
seven 50 minute writing coaching including feedback of your sample by phone + email for your project plus one 50 minute follow-up session
Coaching + Consulting Conversations
Supporting writers, learners, ministries, and community leaders across organizations, sectors, and disciplines
In-Person Field Engagement
Contact me for details. Engagements set in day and half-day rates. Pro-bono rates available.
Workshops + Retreats
Facilitating ministries, civic, + communal leaders, partnerships, and organizations across sectors
Specializing in storied systems design, organizational well-being, culture, and anthropology, and dialogue with alignment for your strategic goals, marketing, and desired outcomes
Two hour workshop virtually. Includes phone and/or email consults or coaching you or your leadership team by phone + email for your project for alignment with your workshop goals
Four hour retreat virtually. Includes phone and/or email consults or coaching you or your leadership team by phone + email for your project for alignment with your workshop goals
One time up to 60 minute follow-up to virtually share results with your organization, constituents, or principals
Add Time
Need more time? We understand. Time billed by the hour at 20 minutes over scheduled plan.
Research Coaching
Supporting academic writers for research projects, dissertations, and theses
storied systems design, narrative, performance auto/ethnography, photography, dialogue, theology
ministry, leadership, communication, creative writing, rhetorics, performance
Partnership or Team Collaboration
100 pages max with track changes OR team coaching
five 5o minute phone consults with the partnership, team, or research collaboration
Questions? Inquire about above services, travel, fieldwork, or engagements. I'll connect with you soon.