Water is a well of life! Water has built cities + civilizations throughout history.
Water is important to survival + thrival of the species because of its use for public health + fitness, play, + even spirituality. Think of it: my faith ritual of baptism needs water; Jesus called himself "living water;" even "the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters" (Gen. 1).
Water is important to our story.

My best moments have been with water ranging from the funnest to most serene or meaningful. I went into labor after being near water; women's water "breaks" or helmets the baby's head on the way out; wells of water have been long regarded or steeped in conflict throughout history. My favorite beverage is tea. I also like kombucha, smoothies, vinegar water, beer, wine--anything fit for human consumption needs clean water.

How long can a person live without water?
(~3 days).
I can live without Facebook, other social media, + other forms of enter/infotainment.
Not water.
People need to be fed + hydrated to thrive in school + at work. Poverty limits success. If we want to be a successful people, then start by meeting basic needs.

Water crises around the world + nearby come from lack of access to clean drinking water. A plethora of organizations exist to address the need for access to clean water. In the U.S.A., the presence of faucets doesn't remove the need to protect water sources. Fracking + other unhealthful energy production pollutes water. So does industry. Ever wonder why so many "mills" exist along rivers? Sad, but a reality even today. A nation that pollutes wells, an age, old way to defeat people is to destroy their crops + wells, seems at war with itself.

If you can't tell by now, I'd like to invest in the preservation of water. Parks. Natural resources that future generations need to survive + thrive. We need water for hygiene + the prevention of disease. Breast +/or formula -fed Mamas + Babies need fresh water. That is the missing link for the charged debate over which to feed a baby. Not water, but formula needs water, + mamas need water to breastfeed. A society that doesn't protect + cherish the resources that it needs to continue will be/is on the decline (hence the rise of extremism--topic for another post).

We need healthy waterways to be a healthful thriving people + society.

For now, I'll suffice with pretty pictures. Born + raised in Washington, I have enjoyed many of Washington's abundant lakes, rivers, waterfalls, + wetlands.
Highlights have included Soos Creek, Mercer Island Slough, Lake Sammamish, Lake Washington, Cedar River Watershed, Lake Easton, Kachess Lake, Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually Wildlife Refuge, Stillwater Wildlife Reserve, Riverfront Park, Coulon Park, Kirkland Parks, La Conner, Langus Riverfront Park, Columbia River at Vantage, + Snoqualmie Falls, among others. Growing up we visited or fished at Lake Curlew, Roosevelt Lake, + Moses Lake.

Washington has approximately 70,439 miles of river, of which 197 miles are designated as wild & scenic. Of course, the controversy remains unresolved with the use of hydroelectric dams, salmon runs, + native land rights or fights in court to preserve water + its tie to way of life (culture).
Liquid gold (at sunset if you prefer).
For everyone.

There are many parks + trails to enjoy waterways, + with that growing public demand they need extra tender loving care. (Cheeky: Maybe as much + more than that 401K or military spending?).

For now, check out the water projects at the WA State Department of Ecology, + learn about how lakes connect + contribute to an ecosystem.

--> Which waterways do you recognize here or cherish? How would an ideal society treasure water? Comment below. <--