Puget Sound makes Western Washington a special place. Enjoy this pixel-roll of images from various highlights around Puget Sound: ferry rides to Vashon, Bainbridge, + Orcas Islands, Seattle + Tacoma cityscapes, beaches such as Alki, Seahurst, Lincoln, Lisabuella, + Titlow, parks including Pt. Defiance with attractions, such as the zoo + aquarium, gardens, + Ft. Nisqually Living History Museum, Chinese Reconciliation Park, Tacoma Narrows Bridge, + others.
The Puget Sound connects cities + people with culture. Vistas from downtown Seattle waterfront + of Mt. Rainier do not disappoint, + the University of Washington makes a home in both the U-District + downtown Tacoma with nearby Tacoma Art Museum, + others.

Of course the ongoing challenge with building in an area rich near + around a salt water sea (with many fresh water lakes + waterways around): Transportation + environmental stewardship.

Let's all do our part to keep Puget Sound clean + blue! Visit the Urban Waters Initiative, Citizens for a Healthy Bay, Puget Sound Conservation Corps, The Nature Conservancy Puget Sound, People for Puget Sound, Puget Sound Restoration Fund, + Toxic Cleanup Program for Commencement Bay. Please comment below to add your organization to this list.