• Min. Dr. Dena Michele Rosko

    Heritage across Multiple Genres for whole Systems

  • Logo Dena Michele Rosko 2022

    Connecting People + Story with Heritage

    What's your story of heritage?

  • systems anthropologist | writer | photographer

    Storying systems of heritage for all in multiple genres

    ecuminister | consultant | coach | facilitator

    supporting people, partnerships, and organizations

  • About

    Storying Heritage across Multiple Genres for Whole Systsems

    Min. Dr. Dena Michele Rosko writes and publishes about the gospel, story, and heritage across multiple genres, cultures, and communities as a story artist, ordained ecuminister, and systems anthropologist to encourage people and partnerships to strategic holism through heritage.

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  • Together

    Life ever a transition. Bridge the gap. Go well together!

    Family Walk 2017 (cc) Dena Michele Rosko

    Kindly, Dr. Dena

    Encouraging heritage across multiple genres and cultures

    I write + publish to encourage people with a "we story" of heritage. I facilitate, consult, + coach to integrate ideals, stories, + visions with strategic storycrafting to cross the gap between the struggle + the flourishing. I research anthropology of systems via storied systems design to support leaders, organizations, + partnerships with cultures for humanity. I photograph editorial, travel, + event art to create beneficial change in communities. I minister to pray + develop heritage theology, formation, + care for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Contact me below to ask about your project or vision today!

    D Typewriter (cc) Dena Michele Rosko


    Hear from people, organiztions, and partnerships satisfied with their projects

    Glowing reviews of writing, dialogue retreats, academic research + executive departmental projects, storycrafting + crisis response workshops, grassroots campaigns, global health initiatives for nutrition, civic municipal campaign, saving a local library and community icon, human + social service para-church + non-profits, + validating + integrating transitions of care. Hear what people have said about my rapport, practice, + the quality of excellence in my creative publications, ministry, research, + engagements. Visit the blog for testimonials.

  • Connect

    Tell me about what resonates with you here, + we can schedule a conversation.